Rates & Fees

Rates are effective June 1, 2024. Please contact us for information regarding previous rates.

To set up an Industry and Corporate account, please contact the Industry Agreements office at 785-864-7403 or indcontracts@ku.edu.

Usage Fees

This fee is applied once per day per user.

Internal AcademicExternal AcademicExternal Market
EquipmentInternal AcademicExternal AcademicExternal Market
Photolithography Room$42$64$126
Etching Room$30$46$90
Horiba Ellipsometer$20$31$60
Sputter Coater *$19$29$57
PDMS Station$15$23$45
Plasma Reactor$15$23$45
Wabash Press$14$21$42
CO2 LASER Engraver$10$15$30
Wafer Dicer *$21$32$63
Wire Bonder$12$18$36
Figure 4 3D Printer$23$35$69

The usage fees above are charged once per day per user except where noted (*), which are charged once per process. Additional consumables costs may be applied.

Hourly Rates

EquipmentInternal AcademicExternal AcademicExternal Market
Lesker Sputterer$19 / hour$29 / hour$57 / hour
E-Beam Evaporator$18 / hour$28 / hour$54 / hour
Oxford PECVD$34 / hour$52 / hour$102 / hour
Oxford ICP-RIE$59 / hour$90 / hour$177 / hour
Nano-Imprint Lithography$13 / hour$20 / hour$39 / hour
Hitachi SEM$41 / hour$63 / hour$123 / hour
HEX03 Heated Press$13 / hour$20 / hour$39 / hour
Mask Writer$14 / hour$21 / hour$42 / hour

All hourly rates are rounded up or down to 15 minute intervals, with a required 15 minute minimum. Additional consumables costs may be applied.

Internal AcademicExternal AcademicExternal Market
$47 / hour$72 / hour$141 / hour

Labor rates are rounded up or down to 15 minute intervals, with a required 15 minute minimum. These rates apply to all labor provided by facility staff, including training, fabrication, assistance and/or any other related service. These rates will be applied in addition to any applicable rates, fees and consumables costs as required by the labor provided.

Have Questions?

For any questions regarding rates, fees or billing, contact the facility director, Ryan Grigsby.
PDSM Station chip